Last night's Grammys were like a big ego contest for all singers and celebrities of the moment: who was the best dressed, who had the poshest accessories, who had the most stylish do or makeup, who gave the best performance and so on and so forth. There was one person though who refused to take part in the madness, at least in what concerns that last part and, strangely enough, that person was Rihanna, the alien princess as she's dubbed in the media.
She may be at the height of her fame right now, putting out hit after hit and sailing the charts with her incredibly successful album, but RiRi did not win in any of the major categories in which she was nominated. Now, maybe that made her put on such a lackluster performance as she did or perhaps she was too tired to give it all her best... or simply bored. No matter which of the following it is, the bottom line remains that Rihanna gave what can only be considered the poorest performance of the evening and, when it comes from such a huge pop star, I guess it's worse than in any other singers.
I mean, people, this is no Britney Spears at the VMAs because back then we all knew deep down inside that she wouldn't make it and that she would end up making a fool of herself as always! This is Rihanna, that pop star people say she puts some of the best, baddest and most energetic shows on the face of this planet! And, strangely, last night, Rihanna was anything but all this mentioned above: wearing a dirty swan-like dress and looking mighty absent, Rihanna not only did not bother to do her part of the dance routine, but she also lacked the necessary energy to sing all the lyrics to two of her biggest hits, "Umbrella" and "Please Don't Stop the Music".
The industry has long welcomed the beautiful singer as the next major pop star of our (her?) generation and, ever since joining forces with Jay Z, she has done everything short of crowing herself the next post-Britney Pop Princess. And people said she was good and, from what I got to see as well, I have to admit I agreed with them, so this is why I'm saying now that maybe she just had a very bad day, which might explain the fiasco she put on stage. Partially. Because, from where I stand, nothing can justify that "impoo-sh-ble" she lets out at one point in her song or the obvious lack of interest she had in doing what is, in the end, her job, right?
But do watch the video below and you'll see what I mean and, before you start all hatin' on me, I will add just this: we have seen worse performances than this. Unfortunately, we have also seen better so it kinda sucks to be Rihanna right now.